Armstrong Air & Space Museum

The Armstrong Air & Space Museum will be “launching” a brand-new exhibit featuring one-of-a-kind artifacts recently loaned and donated to the museum that directly relate to the Apollo 11 mission and Ohio astronaut Neil Armstrong.
The list of newly acquired historic items include Armstrong’s Apollo 11 Biological Isolation Garment (BIG), a fragment of Kapton foil taken from the Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia after splashdown, and a piece of fabric from the Wright Brothers’ first airplane taken to the lunar surface by Armstrong.
The exhibit, titled “Apollo 11: to the Moon and Back,” will incorporate two items that were previously on display which include an American flag and emergency heel restraints that flew aboard the Apollo 11 mission as well.
“These artifacts make an excellent addition to the overall collection on display,” says Museum Curator Logan Rex. “Each of these objects allows us to better expand upon the fascinating and complex nature of Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 mission.”
Read the full article here.