Museum of the Earth

Photograph courtesy of the Museum of the Earth

Bold women are on display at “Daring to Dig: Women in American Paleontology,” a new exhibition from the Museum of the Earth and the Paleontological Research Institution (PRI) that opened March 28 and highlights women paleontologists past and present.

Visitors can follow the dinosaur footprints down a ramp to the exhibition’s entrance, where they can place their faces in a cardboard cutout of two women excavating and travel through time as they learn about women paleontologists’ stories. PRI is a Cornell University-affiliated organization that houses over seven million paleontological specimens, one of the largest collections in the United States. “Daring To Dig” is a temporary physical exhibit at the Museum of the Earth with an accompanying online version. The in-person exhibit will stand until Fall 2021.

Read the full article here.

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